especially the part when they announce 2sin is the champion !
Damn shiok uh ,
Shout like helll :DDD
Hahaha .
So woke up at 6.20 .
Wash up , blah blah blah .
Met up with Shining at punggol mrt .
Then meet natasha and vanessa at compass point .
Vanessa's mum send us thr :D
So good ^^
Hehe .
Went in macs for dk what reason .
Sat thr awhile then walk to the stadium , or hockey court or whatever :P
Lined up , put our bags and keep our valuables .
Then just stand thr sai tai yang lor :(
Then wait wait wait till our turns .
Jogged only .
And walk .
Actually i also dw jog one but inter class so jog lor :b
Haha .
Jogged with vanessa ^^
Need run 3.1 km sia .
Damn far but i completed , chiong at the last thr .
Then drank hundred plus .
Wahlao , dilluted one sia .
They go toilet put water de .
They go toilet put water de .
Eeeeks :/
Then prize presentation .
Take damn long sia .
Wah damn hot lor -.-
Pictures with the 2sin prize after that ^^
Went 7eleven eat then went kiteflying .
Only shining's one can fly siaaa .
Tsk :(
My one cannot , then all go snatch hers and play :P
Muahahahaha .
But at least we had fun yea :D
We kinda pinic thr .
Got mat , got drinks got potato chips .
Coooool :D
Hehehehe (:
Go vanessa's hse after that :D
3 went home le
Actually wanted change blogskin but ....